Why hire a birth doula?

There are many studies that show the benefits of doula support. This one from Evidence Based Birth is great!

For birth doulas, the studies reflect:

  • 31% decrease in the use of Pitocin*

  • 28% decrease in the risk of C-section*

  • 12% increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth*

  • 9% decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief

  • 14% decrease in the risk of newborns being admitted to a special care nursery

  • 34% decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience*

Most importantly, doulas help normalize the whole pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience. As your doula I am available to you day & night and through your pregnancy and postpartum experience. I am there from the start of your labour to hours afterwards helping in creating a seamless transition.

Isn’t a midwife/doctor good enough?

The difference between a Doula and a Midwife or Doctor is that I am at your birth only for YOU. Your midiwife/doctor/nurses are there for you and the baby their main concern is to ensure everyone is healthy and baby is doing well.

My main concern is that you are comfortable, your partner is comfortable and that you have the emotional and physical support you need for this transition into parenthood. Whether this is your first or fifth baby. I stay the whole time- I don’t leave to check on other families, I don’t step out to chart, or stop physical support to do things like vitals.

When should I hire a doula?

This is a tricky question! Some families only feel the need closer to their due date while others want the doula support right from when they find out their pregnant.

To maximize your support I encourage families to reach out ASAP but interview a few doulas see who fits your personalities and values. I take on clients from early as 6wks to the day before they have given birth!

What if I can’t afford a doula?

Doulas are an investment no doubt! If you cannot afford one PLEASE still reach out!

I provide a few volunteer births through the year, along with being apart of our BC Doula Association Volunteer Program, and am an approved doula through the BCFAAC for their Doulas for Aboriginal Families Grant Program.